The How And Why of AMMs With Alex Nezlobin

Gwart sits down with Alex Nezlobin to talk market structure, AMMs and MEV on smart contract chains.
Rijndael: The Tolerable Taproot Wizard

Rjindael of the the Taproot Wizards joins Gwart to get to the bottom of Bitcoin’s soul search. Does Bitcoin need a revival? Are the Wizards going to hard? Is Lightning really broken? Who will stop the impending flood of Bitcoin MEV?
We’re Pretty Sure Mike and Max Can Fix MEV

Mike Neuder of the EF and Max Resnick of SMG join Gwart to fix Ethereum MEV in one podcast. Mike, Max and Gwart talk MEV, EIP-1559, Bitcoin and more.
Was The Rollup Roadmap A Mistake? With Anatoly Yakovenko

Gwart interviews Solana Phone CEO Anatoly Yakovenko to talk Eth, monolithic architecture and more.
Where Eric Defends His Wizard Costume

Welcome to the Gwart show. Today we are joined by HEX fanatic Erica Wall to discuss cryptographic currencies and online wizards, among other things.