DEGENtrification: How Ordinals Cracked Bitcoin NIMBYs

Bitcoin is becoming “degentrified”: reversing Bitcoin’s gentrified culture with degenerate behavior. Context: The past half decade, Bitcoiners have watched countless other blockchains come and go, tokens rise and fall, and stablecoin APYs that sound like batting averages. These Bitcoiners have also largely missed out on these dizzying gains and catastrophic losses. As these Bitcoiners saw […]

Liquor, Ladies, and Leveraged Ordinals

In the goldfish brains of the average NFT/Ordinals degen the past 3 months may as well have lasted a thousand years. Currently most Ordinals collections–even the “blue chip” ones–have a chart pointing one direction since March or April.

This time, miner capitulation looks different

bitcoin mining capitulation

It’s official: Bitcoin mining has entered the “Shake Out” phase. By now we know that history rhymes but does not repeat. Let’s take a look at what’s driving the capitulation and how it’s playing out a little differently this time around.

The Bitcoin TVL and Dapps Wasteland

Bitcoin “Layer 2s” boast giant Total Value Locked and large Dapp ecosystems, but are these meaningful metrics? User interactivity continues to be king.

Signs of a Bitcoin Renaissance

Bitcoin Renaissance

Something new is happening in Bitcoin. A Taproot Wizards spaces pulls 10x more listeners than Swan’s Cafe Bitcoin, the NFT shows are talking about Ordinals, and the Ordinals people are talking about OPCODES.

Nobody is ready for high fees

OKX just burned $17 million consolidating UTXOs.

This issue extends from wallet fee estimations to die-hard Bitcoin DCA folks who haven’t practiced UTXO consolidation. These “inefficiencies” may grow to become one of the biggest points of friction for Bitcoin users in the coming years.Binance was ONLY interesting “fee event” in 2022.

Is Bitcoin’s OP_Cat coming back in 2024?

While OP_CAT was originally a part of Satoshi’s original Bitcoin client, those advocating for re-adding the opcode to Bitcoin have found increasingly widespread support from unexpected camps. If you haven’t been paying attention and think this is all happening so fast, you’re not wrong. Is the CAT coming back?